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 Episode 05 - Arise, my lord

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Admin ♥♥ The body of a weak and feeble woman, but the heart and stomach of a king.

Messages : 239
Date d'inscription : 25/07/2010
Age : 32
Localisation : Nord

Episode 05 - Arise, my lord Empty
MessageSujet: Episode 05 - Arise, my lord   Episode 05 - Arise, my lord Icon_minitimeMar 17 Aoû - 2:16

Episode 05 – Arise, my Lord

Scénariste : Michael Hirst
Réalisateur : Brian Kirk
Diffusion : 29 avril 2007

Date : 1526

Episode 05 - Arise, my lord 105_th10
Grâce à Anne, Thomas Boleyn s'attire les bonnes faveurs du roi

L’alliance politique entre l’Espagne et l’Angleterre prend un tournant lorsque Charles Quint décide de libérer François Ier. Henry est contraint de chercher un soutien européen ailleurs. Par ailleurs, sa proposition de faire d’Anne Boleyn sa maîtresse officielle insulte cette dernière, qui refuse catégoriquement son offre, enflammant le désir du jeune roi. Catherine d’Aragon, quant à elle, trouve un soutien bénéfique en la personne de Charles Quint, son neveu, quand Henry commence à comprendre que l’annulation de son mariage ne sera pas chose facile.

Les moments inoubliables :

Lorsqu’Anne refuse de devenir la maîtresse officielle d’Henry

Episode 05 - Arise, my lord 105_he10
Henry propose à Anne de devenir sa maîtresse en titre

Lorsqu’Henry annonce à Catherine qu’il ne la considère plus comme son épouse

Episode 05 - Arise, my lord 105_he11
Le roi annonçant à Catherine qu'il ne la considère plus comme sa femme

Dans cet épisode, ils ont dit :

"Make sure they come to the right decision quickly" Henry to Wolsey

"Anne, I want to say something to you, if it pleases you to be a true loyal mistress & friend. To give yourself to me body & soul, I promise I will take you as my only mistress. I won't have a thought or affection for anyone else. If you agree to be my maitresse en titre. I promise I will serve only you." Henry to Anne

"Maitresse en titre? Your official mistress? What have I done to make you treat me like this? Your majesty I have already given my maidenhead into my husband's hands. And whoever he is, only he will have it. Because I know how it goes otherwise. My sister is called the great prostitute by everyone" Anne to Henry

"His f**king uncle? How old am I?" Henry to the Emperor's ambassador

"Katherine I have something to tell you. As far I am concerned our marriage is at an end. In fact there is no need to end something which has never been. You and I were never truly married. There was a misunderstanding of scripture & a papal misapplication of canon law. Its true I did not know about these things before but it has been brought to light by learned opinion & it weighs down my conscience. It has forced me to give up your bed and board once and for all. All that remains is for you to choose where you will live & to retire there as quickly as possible. I swear to you, all will be done for the best".

"Be strong my daughter, remember who you are. Descendant of Isabella & Ferdinand of Castille. The only daughter of the King of England. Be strong and be true and one day ...One day you will be Queen". Katherine to her daughter Princess Mary on saying goodbye.

"I have yet to decide whether to make your bedmate a head shorter." Henry to his sister Margaret on learning she had secretly married Charles Brandon and banished them both from court.

"I make you this promise, when we are married, I will deliver you a son." Anne to Henry.

Episode 05 - Arise, my lord 105_210
L'unique fils du roi meurt

Sources : Tudorswiki - Wiki
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